98. My middle name is: i have two, laverne stanley
97. I was born on: april 17th 1981
96. Your sign: aries
95. My cell phone company: Telus Mobility
94. My eye color: unsure
93. My shoe size is: 9
92. My ring size is: no fucking clue lol
91. My height is: 5′11″
90. I am allergic to: bees??
89. I was born in: london ontario
88. I live in: banff
87. The last book I read: Bono the Interview by Michka Assayas
86. My bed is: not fuckin big enough!
85. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: That I’ll never understand them.
84. I am glad I’m my sex because: men are the stronger sex of course.
83. My favorite Holiday is: summer!!
82. The perfect kiss is: One shared with my someone from my future.
81. The last three cd’s I bought are:I can’t remember.Alot of those 20th century master ones.
80. My most treasured possessions are: My photographs and my memories
79. What did you do last night?: watched another few episodes of 2nd season of Lost
78. My skin’s reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): I burn every single freaking time.
:::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::
77. Santa? Not anymore
76. Love at first sight? Yes I do
75. Luck? never had any
74. Fate? Definitely
73. Aliens? No
72. Heaven? Yes
71. Hell? Yes
70. Ghosts? Yes
69. Horoscopes? Yes, im addicted to them...
68. Soulmates? Definitely
:::::Which is Better?:::::
67. Hugs or Kisses: Both?
66. Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
65. Red heads or Black hair: Black
64. Blondes or Brunettes: Blondes
63. Hot or cold: Neitther...Warm
62. Summer or winter: Ok Heres my story...i hate summer because i hate bees, i hate winter because its always so cold...myabe i like spring and fall. I have ways of coping with this in tact banff hast two main seasons all four ar halved into 2 and i call them Wummer and Sinter. Do the Math!
61. Coffee or tea: Tea
60. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
59. Night or Day: Probably gotta be night
58. Oranges or Apples: Apples
57. Curly or Straight hair: Straight
:::::Here’s What I Think About:::::
56. Abortion: A choice only a woman can make. Whatever she feels is right for her.
55. Backstabbers: They can kiss my ass!
54. Parents: I love my parents, and I miss them
53. School: I’m glad I’m outta there
::::Last time I:::
52. Kissed someone: never
51. Last time I hugged someone: last week
50. Seen someone I haven’t seen in a while:number of weeks ago i was walking home and saw an old freind from my high school from my old hometown in ontario
49. Who is the ditziest person you know: Gotta be meself lol
48. Who makes you laugh the most: People on TBS
47. One thing I’m mad about right now is: Oh, I’m mad? I hadn’t noticed.
46. The last movie I saw in the theater was: Dukes of Hazzard but maybe there was one earlier than that...
45. The thing I don’t understand is: Life
44. The most unsatisfactory answer I’ve ever received is: Whatever
43. This summer I am: enjoying alot...
42. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: I left home years ago, I missed havin me laundry washed.
41. The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: is proving to those few ive moved on.
40. Today: Bored as shit. Enjoying life as long as i can, but i cant do it much longer
39. Next Week: Probably still bored as shit
38. Next Summer: Hopefully make a trip back home
37. People call me: Diesel, Dman and squints (long story)
36. The person who knows the most about me is: my sister and brother of course
35. The person that can read me the best is: my sister
34. The most difficult thing to do is: write songs again
33. I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope!
32. The one person who can’t hide things from me: ??
31. Right now I am talking to: a computer
30. I have/will get a job at: safeway in banff
29. I have these pets: none with me...1 dog back home in ontario
28. The worst sound in the world: the one that jim carey made in dumb and dumber
27. The person that made me cry the most was: i dont think i should talk about it anymore
26. My bf/gf/friend is: never had one
25. Florida or hawaii: Hawaii
24. My favorite piece of clothing is: my jean jacket which im wearing right now
23. My favorite sports are: Football and Hockey,
22. Last time I cried: uhhh ….. not too long ago.. oh wait! Yesterday afternoon!
21. Last person who hurt you: lets not talk about it
20. The all-time best movie is: Star Wars
19. The all-time best thing in the world is: Hate
18. The all-time best person you know is: my mom
17. The most annoying thing ever is: when in bf2, being shot in the middle of reloading when you are close to where the person is..
16. I lose all respect for people who: Show themselves to be untrustworthy, and not friends.
15. The movies I have cried at are: Quite a few.
14. TV show ur watching: Lost, how id love to be lost...
13. Favorite web site: My own?? lol
12. I want to be: myself more often
11. The worst pain I was ever in was: you dont know pain till you walk down the main street at midnite to figure out things...
10. My favorite phrase: "born to have it and have it he shall"
9. My room has: a guitar, a air bed, a few shelves and my clothes, im not yet in a place of my own...
8. My favorite celebrities are: Edge
7. The hottest celebrity is: unsure...pam anderson?
6. Your strongest feature is: Compassion and caring I guess
5. My weakness is: i often dont know what im doing im just doing what i feel is right..
4. If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be? id like to be a loser
3. Who broke your heart?: the girl of my dreams...shame on me..
2. I filled out 98 questions because: I had nothing better to do
1. What do you want?: Just the Time of day~