
from back in 2009

1.  Best Snowsuit you saw this season: ( cool or uncool....lol...)
our crew....of course.... 

2. Cutest Kid you taught/helped to teach or saw on the hill....)
 a little kid named parker, he was in the 4 week camps with Doug Ferguson. I have his picture if you want. he always had missing teeth because he's a hockey player

3.  Did you teach anyone on your own?
Im not certified yet T, but I did have to sort of teach some kids the basics once and a while..

4.  Coldest Day at Cobble was.......      
 any day in January, what about the warmest? c'mon t....
5.   Number of times you said the word pizza this winter.......?   (lol....)
 4,000,000 ok sorry im exaggerating...more like 150...though sometimes on school group days I had to yell like 5 times
6.   Number of hot chocolates you think you drank......
 at least 50-60
7. What was your strategy for helping people who were scared on their skiis?.........
 I didn’t have a strategy but I just stayed close to them and said it will be ok...
8. Last run you took at Cobblehills this season........
 march 14th, fun day last time this season ive been on my short skis...I coulda taught how to snowblade this year...
so my questions for you are
1 how's the weather?
2. how many runs did you think you made per day?
3. I got an award on Friday, guess what it said..?
4. If you could ski any run in Canada 1 more time where would you ski??
5. Have you got lots of new friends and have you gotten along with them?
6. Are you staying for another season next nov-dec? or is that it?
7. when does the season end? 
looking forward to your reply's sorry for the delay....

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